Swaminarayan bhalu karse..!!
Bolo shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan ni Jay..
Ganshyam Maharaj ni Jay..
Here you can find number of ringtones of holy god lord swaminarayan dhun, arti.
with playing this tones it spread divine vibrations for your surrounding.
Also one can Make the Swainarayan images as your screen wallpaper and feel the divine.
Swaminarayan is a God of Hindu.
Is also known as Sahjanand Swami as well as Ghanshyam Maharaj.
Swaminarayan is a large sampraday which exists all over the world.
- Vachnamrut is a book having lots of nice quotes from him.
This app provides:
- Share ringtone via Google+,drive,Gmail, SMS, Whats App, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Picassa and other installed social media sharing
- Share App With Friends.
- Set as wallpaper for the background image
- High quality audio
- Very easy interface
- Share image as well
- Free for all
- No internet connection required
How to use:
- By click on right side top setting icon -> options will displayed for set as ringtone, Share ringtone, Set Image as wallpaper,Share image
Lets play and share the divine feelings.
And for any suggestion please let us know.
This application contain banner and fullscreen advertisement by Admob.